7 signs of an incompatible relationship

We did a video earlier on the signs of relationship compatibility. But what about the signs that you are not compatible. While compatibility is no guarantee of longevity, studies show that it is directly related to the quality and satisfaction of our relationships. Simply put, the more compatible you and your partner are; The more likely you are to be with them. Suggested Video: Signs of Relationship Compatibility: https://youtu.be/joulGr6hvDo Credits Author: Chloe Awanasa Script Editor: Denise Ding Vo: Amanda Silver Animator: Andrew Allen YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong Crawford, DW, Houts, RM, Huston , TL, & George, LJ (2002). Compatibility, leisure and satisfaction in marital relations. Journal of Marriage and Family, 64(2), 433-449. Huston, TL, & Houts, RM (1998). The psychological infrastructure of courtship and marriage: The role of personality and compatibility in romantic relationships. The Developmental Course of Marital Dysfunction, 114-151. Houts, R. M., Robbins, E., & Huston, T. L. (1996). Compatibility and development of premarital relationships. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 7-20. Wilson, G., & Cousins, J. (2003). Partner equality and relationship satisfaction: The development of a compatibility quotient. Sexual and Relationship Medicine, 18(2), 161-170. Sternberg, RJ (1986). Triangular Theory of Love. Psychological Review, 93(2), 119.
